Sofie Feis Caroline Lwangu v Benson Wafula Ndote [2021] eKLR Case Summary

Court: High Court at Malindi

Category: Civil

Judge(s): Hon. Dr. Iur Nyagaka, J

Judgment Date: November 10, 2021

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary        


Sofie Feis Caroline Lwangu v Benson Wafula Ndote [2021] eKLR Case Summary

Name of the Case: Sofie Feis Caroline Lwangu v. Benson Wafula Ndote
Date Delivered: November 10, 2021
Court: Environment and Land Court at Kitale
Country: Kenya
Category: Civil
Judges: Hon. Dr. Iur Nyagaka, J

Questions Presented:
- What constitutes a document/documentary evidence under Kenyan evidence law?
- What is the correct procedure for producing documentary evidence in court?
- Under what circumstances can the court exempt the best evidence rule and allow for the
presentation of secondary evidence?
- When can a person who is not the maker of a document present it as evidence in court?

Below is the document preview.

  • Sofie-Feis-Caroline-Lwangu-v-Benson-Wafula-Ndote-[2021]-eKLR-Case-Summary_3_0.jpg
  • Sofie-Feis-Caroline-Lwangu-v-Benson-Wafula-Ndote-[2021]-eKLR-Case-Summary_3_0.jpg
  • Sofie-Feis-Caroline-Lwangu-v-Benson-Wafula-Ndote-[2021]-eKLR-Case-Summary_3_0.jpg

This is the end of this document preview.

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